Genesys had just socialized the new strategic imperatives, and had all 200 VPs on site for sales kickoff. They wanted to create cross-functional alignment at the executive level.
We had just one day to workshop with 200 VPs.
There were 10 interdependent strategic imperatives, crossing 8 major functions of the company.
We had to simultaneously coordinate 20 facilitators, across 10 breakout rooms.

In the morning, we prepared each of the 10 breakout rooms. Each room represented strategic imperative, and had executive representation from the 8 business functions. They articulated and discussed their primary goals, cross-functional dependencies and success metrics.

In the afternoon, participants re-formed in rooms, now broken out by business function. They played back the morning insights, ideated and re-prioritized the workshop outputs based on what they learned.

The workshop helped the company leaders better understand their role in executing on the strategic imperatives, how they’ll be measured and what cross-functional dependencies they need to address.
”Matt’s thought leadership and expertise were invaluable. Designing this session, which had complexity in the expected outcome and a very small window of time, was a big challenge. He not only managed to help us design a session that allowed cross-collaboration but also made sure we delivered a consistent experience across all breakouts.
- Mercedes Escala, VP, Talent and Learning, Genesys