Genesys needed to build a design thinking capability within the company to empower their SaaS transformation as the Experience as a Service market leader.
The company did not have a programmatic effort to create a design thinking capability at scale.
There were pockets of inconsistent methodologies being used across the organization.
Skepticism existed within the engineering-led culture.

We began by building a multi-tiered educational program, activating employees at the Explorer, Practitioner, Coach and eventually Champion levels. This included online education modules and event-based education

We then established a new design thinking practice, adapted for Genesys’ unique needs. This included a redefined a visual language and mental model.

This new practice included creating a portfolio of 25 techniques, spanning service design, business design and design thinking tools.

Within four years, over 5,000 employees within the company were educated and certified in Genesys Design Thinking. Every employee took virtual training, 800+ employees had completed a multi-day Practitioner bootcamp, 40+ employees completed over 100 hours of expert level facilitation practice and 50+ executives were certified as Champions of design thinking.
”Matt accomplished the seemingly impossible. He came into a fast moving, forward thinking organization and was able to fundamentally change how it approached the development of new product ideas. He adapted the concepts of Design Thinking to create a version that worked for the company and then set about to recruit, teach, guide, coach, and mentor cohort after cohort into Design Thinking Navigators, Experts, and eventually, Coaches.
- Leor Grebler, Principal Product Manager, Genesys